Unbelievable people's we have in our community....
Early morning...at the beginning of the local bazar all shops are being engaged in their appropriate places. Fish,meat and vegatable will be sold in this bazar.
People's have their own opinion on corona virus. Some people are afraid and some not...some are having masks others do not,rather than there is a new style of wearing masks. Some are wearing masks like they have been forcing to doing so as because they have their masks but have their nose or mouth open, fresh contact with the air and spreading the virus.
In FAIR PRICE SHOP(fps3636), there is no rules and regulation for social distancing. Daily 100-200 coupons will be distributed at 6-7am then all necessity goods will be delivered to the people's one by one...in that time where is social distancing?
And rather than that after standing some long time near about 30 min in morning someone have to visit the toilet for latrine, after coming back he see that his line is gone now what he will do hurdles to the count fighting for his turn to getting the goods, what a good idea? Good behaviour of social distancing.
Due to some people's we all will die.
Delhi has made a good decision regarding the fine.
I want this also to be happen in west bengal also.