Exclusive World Records aims to provide a platform to those people who possess some talent or quality (Either singly or as a group of persons), and want to have their name aired in the sky and who hold long hauled desire to be record holders by attempting or by doing unique activities at par with the best in their segment.
LBETC (LB EXCLUSIVE TALENT AND CREATIONS) assumes the reins from Lata Foundation which was established in 2019 to nurture EWR, a book of records originally under the aegis of Lata Foundation and committed to promote the furtherance of talents and virtuosity across Orb. Exclusive World Records continues to be the trademark of its owner being used by LBETC under exclusive rights conferred by the owner of the trademark.
LB EXCLUSIVE TALENT AND CREATIONS to provide a platform to those who possess some talent or eminence (Either singly or as a group of persons), and wish to have their name aired in the sky and who hold long hauled desire to be record holders by attempting / performing unique activities or contemporary activities in distinguished style and manner, at par with the best in the segment.
In continuation to the offerings of LBETC, Mr. Anurag Saxena is invited to be the first editor of Exclusive World Records, now to be spearheaded by LBETC.
Exclusive world record - EWR™ is a reference book of records and recognitions. Until January 14, 2021, all activities were running under the direct supervision of Lata Foundation; however, post 14-01-2021, all the activities of EWR shall be maintained by LBETC (LB EXCLUSIVE TALENT AND CREATIONS).
Exclusive World Records activities are being considered in two modes - Normal and Fast track manner.
Normal service: It’s a free service and the entrant/applicant receives the response in 3 to 4 months once the relevant entries along with supporting details are received either by email or through post. In the event record claim is accepted the name of the qualified entrant shall be uploaded on the web and in next edition book, however no physical acknowledgement and/or certificate against the same shall be issued / sent.
There are 3 types of recognition conferred by LBETC.
1. Record
2. Honor
3 Awards
Record: Record is conferred upon those whose talent is unique and distinctive.
Honor: Accorded to those who do not hold a record in their name but are equally good at performing something awe striking.
Award: From time to time, LBETC runs award programs to encourage people; These awards are conferred under different rubrics like: - social awardees, golden awardees in a event or activity of their expertise/interest etc.
For any record / Honor / award, the applicant must first fill the application form and send the complete documents by email to
[email protected] Or
[email protected]
Any entry is verified on the basis of evidence provided in the nature of media (electronic /print), unedited videos, and corroborative evidences supported by witnesses or through display of the relevant activity at par with the standards either bench marked or otherwise being better than an existing record. Post submission, the jury checks all the evidence(s) carefully before awarding the title. Another way for verification is on the spot verification carried out by our expert jury invited for the purpose.
Exclusive World Records is organised by LB EXCLUSIVE TALENT AND CREATIONS (Registered under MSME AND GST) running from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh India.